Finishing Manufacturing

Finishing Manufacturing
Finishing manufacturing, also known as finishing operations, occurs at the end of the manufacturing process, after the part has been formed and secondary processes have been completed. These operations can add a logo to a part, enhance its visual appeal, augment its durability, or remove elements left behind by an earlier manufacturing process. At Laszeray Technology, our customers have access to many types of finishing manufacturing options. In fact, Laszeray is known across multiple industries as a top product development company offering the best finishing manufacturing services in the country due in part to our wide range of capabilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and exceptional team of engineers and designers.
What are the Most Common Finishing Manufacturing Options?
The best comprehensive product manufacturing companies likely offer a variety of finishing services, but the main finishing manufacturing options (and the ones the company you partner with should offer) include the following:
Trimming – Many injection molding processes leave behind a gate or runner that should not remain on the final product. Our automated part trimming process assures the accuracy of the gate/runner removal, so the way parts look exactly matches customer expectations.
Pad Printing – Otherwise known as tampography, pad printing involves transferring a 2D image onto a 3D object. It can be used successfully on nearly any kind of substrate. Our robotically controlled custom pad printing services allow the images to be accurately applied to parts with branding, volumetric graduations, and instructions perfectly placed. The six-axis movement allows multiple faces of the part to be printed in one cycle.
Packaging and Labeling – Our customers have access to a wide range of packing options, including point-of-sale (POS) packaging. Labeling can be applied to parts, assemblies, sub-assemblies, and packaging according to the customer’s specifications.
Surface Finishing – This is a term that covers a wide range of industrial processes that in some way modify the surface of a product. Our surface finishing capabilities include the following:
- Polishing – Refined surface finishes can be added to your product using a variety of techniques.
- Laser engraving – This process uses a specialized laser machine to create extremely precise marks and designs on metal or plastic parts.
- Powder coating – Powder coating services involve spraying dry powder onto a surface, usually via an electrostatic method, and then curing the part in an oven. It creates a thick, durable coating.
- Plating – This process involves permanently affixing metal onto a surface. Electroplating, which uses an electric current to bond metal to a conductive surface, is one of the more common options used by plating companies.
- Anodizing – This is an electrolytic process that creates a hard oxide layer, resulting in a highly corrosion-resistant coat. Anodizing services are usually performed on aluminum parts.
Inspections – By relying on a combination of technological and human inspection processes, Laszeray goes above and beyond normal quality control to ensure that your parts, assemblies, and sub-assemblies comply with all relevant standards.
Laszeray’s team of manufacturing experts have years of experience with many kinds of finishing manufacturing operations, including all of those mentioned above. When all these services are offered under one roof, clients can keep costs down and speed up turnaround time with zero errors.

Finishing Manufacturing is an Important Step in Product Development
The last stage of the manufacturing process is the most important one. All the final touches enable the end product to be of high quality, while correcting any components that need to be modified. Polishing, removing debris, applying the right coating, and incorporating any other finishes will fortify the product ensuring it is durable and can stand up to wear and tear. The finishing manufacturing process can also help brands keep their costs down, as engineers can determine what type of finishing services will give the product greater value for consumers, enhance the user experience, and help keep manufacturing costs down without sacrificing on quality. For a desired look and feel, certain products will have requirements, but in some cases our engineers at Laszeray will find alternative methods, present these to our clients, and make game-changing last-minute changes that improve on the design and its functionality.
The finishing manufacturing process is one of many stages that one invests in while developing a product to go to market. This is a complex process that requires a great degree of expertise, attention to detail, and total commitment to working through one step at a time. Laszeray is known for streamlining the process, especially at the finishing manufacturing stage, and we are known across a wide range of industries as a true growth and development partner that improves products, reduces costs,
Contact Laszeray for the Best Finishing Manufacturing Services
Laszeray offers all the major services in finishing manufacturing, at a single location, and with more than 20 years of experience we have an impressive portfolio spanning industries ranging from aerospace and defense, to manufacturing and the medical space, offering the best finishing manufacturing services while helping organizations stay under budget, make improvements to existing designs, and we excel in getting a superior product to market ahead of the competition. Call today and learn about the benefits in partnering with Laszeray for the best finishing manufacturing services in the industry.
About Laszeray
Established in 1994, Laszeray Technology has provided manufacturers with a broad spectrum of high-quality finishing services. We offer highly advanced finishing equipment managed by a skilled team of in-house engineers. No matter the size of your business—our customers range from low-volume manufacturers to companies that produce vast quantities of parts—you can be assured that we will get the job done cost-effectively and in conformance with your specifications. To learn more about our polishing, coating, engraving, anodizing, and plating services, feel free to contact us with your questions.