Laszeray Technology

Laszeray Delivers Community Goodwill

During the holiday season, Laszeray gives back by donating to the North Royalton Food Bank – a recent partnership between the city of North Royalton’s Office on Aging and Human Services, the Kiwanis Club and Royal Redeemer Church. Throughout the year, Laszeray employees are asked to contribute to the coffee and tea donation fund. At year end, the company matches the amount money collected and then donates to the Food Bank to help local residents in need.

The partnership has been very successful since its inception last year. Royal Redeemer Church continues to do the day-to-day operations assisting the community with monthly food aid, as well as helping those who missed the Thanksgiving Food Box deadline with additional food, gift cards and turkeys. The Kiwanis Club and the City of North Royalton – per Debra Burrows, Outreach Specialist at North Royalton Aging & Human Services – assist with the Holiday Food program. They also provide food and gift cards for the Food Pantry throughout the year and for the Holiday Food Boxes.

“Due to the overwhelming generosity of the community, the city was once again able to pass out 113 food boxes on Saturday, December 2,” said Burrows. “We’re grateful that the money collected will be able to stay in our community and help those in need.”

Donations can continue to be made out to the Charitable Trust of Kiwanis Food Bank, 13500 Ridge Road, North Royalton; or made directly to Royal Redeemer Food Pantry, Attention: Kat Lacinski, 11680 Royalton Road, North Royalton.

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